Links & Notes October 2022

October 31, 2022

Article: Advance Your Tech Career: Why make yourself replaceable, and how?

Why make yourself replaceable?

  • So you get new opportunities at work.
  • So your absence is less felt when you want to go on vacation.
  • So you can learn from other people at work.
  • So you can build relationships with your coworkers.

How do you make yourself replaceable?

It’s nice to have your team depend on you for things, but you need to transfer this context in order for your team to be able to operate without you.

  • Pair with others on your team.
  • Delegate your tasks while you’re available for backup.
  • Document the answer each time someone asks you for help.
  • Take another team member to meetings with you.
  • Introduce your teammates to the people you depend on.

Goodbye, useEffect: David Khourshid

Reactathon 2022

The Power of JS Generators by Anjana Vakil

Satori - convert HTML and CSS to SVG

The Web’s Next Transition: Kent C. Dodds

A good overview of different WebApp architectures. Although I don’t think we need those acronyms.

  • Multi-Page Apps (MPAs)
  • Progressively Enhanced Multi-Page Apps (PEMPAs, aka “JavaScript Sprinkles”)
  • Single Page Apps (SPAs)
  • The next transition

Open UI

These are the goals Open UI believes will realize the above vision.

  • Document component names as they exist today
  • A common language for describing UIs and design systems
  • Browser standards for web app components

When To Fetch: Remixing React Router - Ryan Florence

Great Talk about the complexity of fetching data in components and how react-router v6 (and Remix) can help with that.

Why We’re Breaking Up with CSS-in-JS

One of the maintainers of Emotion writes about the benefits and drawbacks of (runtime-) CSS-In-JS solutions and why his Team switches from Emotion to Sass Modules combined with a utility class system. Among the reasons are potential performance problems with React 18 concurrent features and SSR related issues.

Drawing with CSS

Pure CSS Woman With Sunglasses

And a lot more examples on the channel.

GitHub Copi­lot inves­ti­ga­tion - Matthew Butterick

Use of this code plainly cre­ates an oblig­a­tion to com­ply with its license. But as a side effect of Copi­lot’s design, infor­ma­tion about the code’s ori­gin—author, license, etc.—is stripped away. How can Copi­lot users com­ply with the license if they don’t even know it exists?

By offer­ing Copi­lot as an alter­na­tive inter­face to a large body of open-source code, Microsoft is doing more than sev­er­ing the legal rela­tion­ship between open-source authors and users. Arguably, Microsoft is cre­at­ing a new walled gar­den that will inhibit pro­gram­mers from dis­cov­er­ing tra­di­tional open-source com­mu­ni­ties.

We needn’t delve into Microsoft’s very check­ered his­tory with open source to see Copi­lot for what it is: a par­a­site.

Copilot Made Me An Augmented Programmer - François Zaninotto

Some people like Copilot.

Why We’re Leaving The Cloud - David Heinemeier Hansson

The cloud excels at two ends of the spectrum… the first is when your application is so simple and low traffic that you really do save on complexity by starting with fully managed services. … The second is when your load is highly irregular and have wild swings or towering peaks in usage.

But neither of those two conditions apply to us today. … we’re paying an at times almost absurd premium for the possibility that it could

But this isn’t just about cost. It’s also about what kind of internet we want to operate in the future. It strikes me as downright tragic that this decentralized wonder of the world is now largely operating on computers owned by a handful of mega corporations.

Enhance! by Jeremy Keith

Introduction to progressive enhancement (starts at min 45).

  1. build the base functionality for all browsers by default so that the user can acomplish the task
  2. Enhance it for newer browser

A web app is a website that stops working when JavaScript isn’t available.

The web is responsive on its own - by default. It’s us that’s been breaking it for all those years by placing content in fixed-width containers — Andy Hume

We shouldn’t talk about making websites accessible we should talk about keeping websites accessible.

Websites do not need to look the same in every browser … layout is an enhancement.

The best way to be future friendly is to be backwards compatible.

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Written by Martin who is not a man of many words. And self-descriptions are totally his thing. He likes squirrels.