Remove Duplicate Icons in Pop!_OS Applications overview

August 20, 2022


I had an issue with icons showing twice. The affected applications were snaps which I installed via Snap Store.

Those icons are created based on .desktop files and I suspect that the Snap Store creates the extra icons for snaps while Pop Store has already created some.


What I did to fix the issue:

The Desktop entries for Snaps are located under /.local/share/applications/snap which is a link to /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/.

  • copy the file to /.local/share/applications (keep the entry created by Pop Shop)
  • add NoDisplay=true to the file in the /snap folder
  • force a refresh of GNOME (locking the screen worked for me)


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Written by Martin who is not a man of many words. And self-descriptions are totally his thing. He likes squirrels.